002 | 越过台伯河:黄潇潇的信仰探索 Exploration of Catholicism and Faith


在这一期选修课中,我与黄潇潇展开了一场关于信仰、信仰和灵性生活的深入对话。潇潇在哥伦比亚大学获得东亚语言与文化硕士,并于圣托马斯大学攻读福传与文化硕士。 我想了解作为一个在无神论教育中长大的中国人为何会选择突破成长环境给予的思维定势,拥抱一个全新的宗教世界观? 在潇潇看来,关于宗教信仰的议题之于每个人都应当是一门"必修课"。我们应当如何理解"信仰"?它是一种寄托、一种精神依归,还是我们超越自我、连接至高存在的途径?如果说皈依意味着新生,彼岸世界是什么样的?科学与宗教是否真的势不两立?教会固守教义是原则的坚定,还是思想的僵化?“与时俱进”是否是一种当代性的“坐标霸权”?面对新时代的伦理困境,经典文本能否给出令人信服的应对之道?宗教信仰是存在主义危机的解药吗?在虚无和焦虑浸染的时代,对于那些无法被物质和功利填满的内心角落,人类究竟需要怎样的信仰? In this thought-provoking episode, we embarked on a profound exploration of faith and its role in shaping our lives with our guest Xiaoxiao. Raised in an atheistic education system, what compelled her to challenge this upbringing and embrace an entirely new religious worldview? Xiaoxiao argues that the question of religious faith is something every individual should examine. What exactly is "faith"? Is it a form of spiritual refuge, a source of existential solace, or a means to transcend the self and connect with a higher power? Can science and religion truly coexist? When religious institutions adhere to their doctrines, is it a display of principled conviction or a symptom of ideological stagnation? Can ancient wisdom offer compelling solutions to modern problems? Can faith fill the void in our souls that materialism and utilitarianism leave behind?


  • 01:12 大学期间对基督教的态度:从好奇到受洗

  • 00:20:00 基督教能与时俱进吗?

  • 00:30:50 现代人的虚无感来自于失去了超越性

  • 00:38:12 讨论对基督教常见的看法:反科学、保守主义等

  • 00:52:06 道德和价值观的基础在于有无一个超越的上帝

  • 01:15:44 基督教对现代性的批判:过度关注自我

  • 00:02:04 Xiao Xiao's journey of Christian faith: from curiosity to baptism

  • 00:20:00 Is Christianity out of touch?

  • 00:30:50 Modern people's lost of transcendence

  • 00:38:12 Address common conceptions about Christianity: anti-science, conservatism, etc.

  • 00:52:06 The foundation of morality and values lies in whether there is a transcendent God

  • 01:15:44 Christianity's critique of modernity: excessive focus on the self

【拓展链接】 越过台伯河:我为什么是天主教徒[上]

【我们是谁 The Who】 选修课 Universus 是一档分享和探讨泛文化话题的中文播客,脱胎于2013年创办的纽约文化沙龙。 我们力求引发对学科方法和视角的认知和思考,而不仅仅是知识的传递。我们在组织活动的过程中积累了一些经验和人脉,尝试打造成年人的博雅教育,并在播客中拓展这样的探索。我们希望审视和反抗无意识的价值规训与随波逐流。我们希望冷酷地剖析自己的偏见,热忱地拥抱多元视角。我们希望去工具化,真诚地感知、理解、创造自己的生活和复杂的世界。我们追随原初的好奇而非代餐式的猎奇。话题可以轻松,方法力求严肃。在《选修课》里,我们互相映照,唤醒失落的维度。

主播: 老赵:理论物理学博士,软件工程师,纽约文化沙龙组织者。

嘉宾: 黄潇潇:哥伦比亚大学东亚语言与文化硕士,圣托马斯大学福传与文化硕士在读

选修课 Universus is a Chinese-language podcast created by the same people who founded the New York Chinese Cultural Salon (纽约文化沙龙)in 2013. The past decade of organizing events and talks put us in a position of creating a sort of liberal arts education experience for those who have left school. We strive to go beyond merely transmitting knowledge to reflecting on complex topics using cross-disciplinary perspectives. We strive to resist conformity, to dissect our own biases, and to embrace diverse schools of thought. Our goal is to help professionals resist becoming just a tool of production, and to understand the world around us in earnest. We let our genuine curiosity be our guide. With a light-hearted tone, we approach each topic seriously. We hope that “选修课 Universus” creates a space to explore lost dimensions.

Hosted by: Lao Zhao: PhD in Theoretical Physics, software engineer, and organizer of the New York Cultural Salon. Guest: Xiaoxiao Huang: Master's degree in East Asian Languages and Cultures from Columbia University, currently pursuing a Master's degree in Evangelization and Culture at the University of St. Thomas.

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