001 写作即在场:程扬扬在国境学科身份之间的探索 Yangyang Cheng Navigates Boundaries and Identities

【聊了什么The What】

从一个粒子物理学博士转型为公共写作者,程扬扬不断反思母语的影响与限制,重审自己与故乡的关系,在写作中实践自由,探索语言的边界。 作为一个跨国成长、拥有多重学科身份认同的人了,程扬扬在写作中试图找到属于自己的声音。她分享了自己在英语学习过程中对语言自由的思考,讨论了科学术语翻译如何反映一个时代的权力结构。她坦诚地谈到作为一个华裔女性写作者如何在性别和族裔身份中寻找平衡,用诚实而敏锐的笔触描绘世界,让沉默的人说话,让被遮蔽的事物显形,用一个全新的视角照亮世界。

Why do we write? Transitioning from a physics PhD to a public writer, Yangyang constantly reflects on the influence and limitations of her mother tongue, re-examines her relationship with her homeland, practices freedom in writing, and explores the boundaries of language. As someone who grew up transnationally with multiple academic identities, she seeks to find her own voice in writing. In this episode, she shares her thoughts on linguistic freedom during her English learning process and discusses how the translation of scientific terms reflects the power structure of an era. She also talks about finding balance in her gender and ethnic identities, depicting the world with an honest and sharp pen, letting the silenced speak, revealing the concealed, and illuminating the world from a brand-new perspective.

【时间轴 The When】

  • 00:00:00 选修课播客的起源

  • 00:06:00 程扬扬的早期写作经历

  • 00:10:34 母语中的禁忌话题:政治与死亡

  • 00:16:08 英语学习:一种逃避和自由的语言

  • 00:24:19 “科学”一词的翻译演变及其反映的时代变迁

  • 00:42:18 作为华裔女性写作者面对的刻板印象与挑战

  • 00:51:10 写作要直面内心,表达真实的自我

  • 00:54:49 文字的力量:唤醒沉默的人,照亮被遮蔽的世界

  • 01:05:48 人类跨越时空留下信息,建立彼此的联结

  • 00:00:00 Early writing experiences

  • 00:10:34 Taboo topics in her mother tongue: politics and death

  • 00:16:08 Learning English: a language of escape and freedom

  • 00:24:19 The evolution of the translation of "science" and the changes it reflects in different eras

  • 00:42:18 Stereotypes and challenges faced as a Chinese female writer

  • 00:51:10 Writing requires facing one's inner self and expressing the true self

  • 00:54:49 The power of words: awakening the silenced and shedding light on the concealed world

  • 01:05:48 Humans leave information across time and space to establish connections with each other

【我们是谁 The Who】

《选修课 Universus》是一档分享和探讨泛文化话题的中文播客,脱胎于2013年创办的纽约文化沙龙。 我们力求引发对学科方法和视角的认知和思考,而不仅仅是知识的传递。我们在组织活动的过程中积累了一些经验和人脉,尝试打造成年人的博雅教育,并在播客中拓展这样的探索。我们希望审视和反抗无意识的价值规训与随波逐流。我们希望冷酷地剖析自己的偏见,热忱地拥抱多元视角。我们希望去工具化,真诚地感知、理解、创造自己的生活和复杂的世界。我们追随原初的好奇而非代餐式的猎奇。话题可以轻松,方法力求严肃。在《选修课》里,我们互相映照,唤醒失落的维度。 主播: 老赵:理论物理学博士,软件工程师,纽约文化沙龙组织者。 Xiaohan:东亚美术史博士,哥伦比亚大学美术史讲师,纽约文化沙龙理事。

选修课 Universus is an Chinese-language podcast that explores a wide range of cultural topics. It originated from the New York Chinese Culture Salon, which was founded in 2013. We strive to go beyond transmitting knowledge, and to stimulate awareness and reflection on cross-disciplinary methodology and perspectives. The past decade of organizing the Salon put us in a position of creating a liberal arts education experience for adults, which we further expand upon in our podcast. We strive to bring awareness to the unaware, to resist conditioning and conformity, to dissect our own biases, and to embrace diverse perspectives. Our goal is to de-instrumentalize ourselves, and to perceive and create our own lives and the complex world around us in earnest. We let our genuine curiosity be our guide, instead of being let astray by consumeristic sensationalism. With a light hearted tone, we approach each topic seriously. We hope that 选修课 Universus creates a space for us to reflect upon each other and explore lost dimensions. Hosts: Lao Zhao: PhD in Theoretical Physics, software engineer, and organizer of the New York Cultural Salon. Xiaohan: PhD in East Asian Art History, lecturer in Art History at Columbia University, and board member of the New York Chinese Culture Salon.

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