004 如果宇宙Vol 1:如果全世界所有人住进一栋楼 What if Vol 1: The Mega Building


【聊了什么】 在一个气候危机的虚构背景下,人类被迫全部搬进一栋大楼生活。这个大胆的设定引发了一场跨学科的头脑风暴:如何在保证80亿人口基本生存需求的同时,最大程度上实现资源优化配置和空间舒适性?一根通天塔?层层叠叠的环形楼?铺满半个美国的巨型温室?



In a fictional setting of a climate crisis, humanity is forced to move into a single building for survival. This bold premise sparked an interdisciplinary speculation exercise: How can we optimize resource allocation and spatial comfort while ensuring the basic survival needs of 8 billion people? Do we build a babel tower, or as the kids would say, “to the moon”? Do we want circular structure or even a giant greenhouse covering half of the United States?

To make the scifi premise plausible, an interdisciplinary approach was required. Earlier this year we invited twenty friends with diverse backgrounds to an in-person New York Cultural Salon round table for a speculative exercise. Based on the outline from the offline discussion, this is a deeper dive on the first and the foundational problem: From the perspectives of architecture and engineering, how would we even build this?


  • 00:00:00 太空电梯的设想:将80亿人装入一栋6000公里高的大楼

  • 00:09:04 “一根楼”:太空电梯的科幻元素和工程难度

  • 00:34:21 “一块楼”:边长十公里的立方体?

  • 00:44:43 大楼内不同区块之间的物质和信息流通接口

  • 00:55:41 从工程师的角度思考:模块化,可拓展性,标度对称

  • 01:11:52 方格网状的建筑群落

  • 00:00:00 The concept of a space elevator: Housing 8 billion people in a 6000-kilometer-tall building

  • 00:09:04 Science fiction elements and engineering challenges of a space elevator

  • 00:34:21 A cube with 10-kilometer sides?

  • 00:44:43 Designing the material and information flow interfaces between different zones within the building

  • 00:55:41 Engineering mindset: Modularity, expandability, and scale symmetry

  • 01:11:52 Grid-like architectural communities

【我们是谁 The Who】 选修课 Universus 是一档分享和探讨泛文化话题的中文播客,脱胎于2013年创办的纽约文化沙龙。 我们力求引发对学科方法和视角的认知和思考,而不仅仅是知识的传递。我们在组织活动的过程中积累了一些经验和人脉,尝试打造成年人的博雅教育,并在播客中拓展这样的探索。我们希望审视和反抗无意识的价值规训与随波逐流。我们希望冷酷地剖析自己的偏见,热忱地拥抱多元视角。我们希望去工具化,真诚地感知、理解、创造自己的生活和复杂的世界。我们追随原初的好奇而非代餐式的猎奇。话题可以轻松,方法力求严肃。在《选修课》里,我们互相映照,唤醒失落的维度。


  • 老赵:理论物理学博士,软件工程师,纽约文化沙龙组织者。
  • 李雅伦:设计师,沙丘研究所创始人和主要创作者
  • 陈飞樾:城市研究者,写作者,设计师,沙丘研究所创始人和主要创作者


  • 黄河清:应用物理学博士,科研工作者,《闲话物理》主播
  • 程祠:业余食品民工,职业网上冲浪,准备回村读书

选修课 Universus is a Chinese-language podcast created by the same people who founded the New York Chinese Cultural Salon (纽约文化沙龙)in 2013. The past decade of organizing events and talks put us in a position of creating a sort of liberal arts education experience for those who have left school. We strive to go beyond merely transmitting knowledge to reflecting on complex topics using cross-disciplinary perspectives. We strive to resist conformity, to dissect our own biases, and to embrace diverse schools of thought. Our goal is to help professionals resist becoming just a tool of production, and to understand the world around us in earnest. We let our genuine curiosity be our guide. With a light-hearted tone, we approach each topic seriously. We hope that “选修课 Universus” creates a space to explore lost dimensions.

Hosted by:

  • Lao Zhao: PhD in Theoretical Physics, software engineer, and organizer of the New York Cultural Salon.
  • Li Yalun: Designer, Founder and main creator of Dunes Institute
  • Chen Feiyue: Urban researcher, Writer, Designer, Founder and main creator of Dunes Institute Guests:
  • Huang Heqing: PhD in Applied Physics, researcher, host of 闲话物理 podcast
  • Cheng Ci: Amateur food industry worker, professionally online

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