003 性,偏见,合成器:女性的艺术表达 Musical Expressions of Femininity

【聊了什么The What】 阿黛、大蝶和海燕,三位坐标纽约的优秀女性音乐人和艺术家围绕阿黛的新专辑《妈妈我三十了》展开了一场女性视角下艺术表达的圆桌讨论。在当下,女性艺术家如何突破传统的男性凝视,用自己的声音讲述自己的故事成为她们共同关注的焦点。 我们是否能够打破对女性身体和性的羞耻感,坦然面对自己的欲望?当我们大胆表达女性情欲时,是在争取身体自主,还是在迎合男性目光?母亲对女儿的期待是爱的延续,还是控制欲的体现?艺术创作能否帮助我们摆脱性别的枷锁找到自我认同?

For this episode, we are joined by three outstanding female artists - ADÀI, Dii Fu and Hedy - in a discussion around Adai's new album "Mom, I'm Thirty.” They explored the theme of artistic expression from a female perspective, how contemporary women artists can break free from the traditional male gaze and tell their own stories with unique voices. Can we shatter the shame surrounding female bodies and female sexuality, and embrace our own desires? When we tell stories about female sensuality, are we asserting bodily autonomy, or pandering to the male gaze? Is a mother's expectation for her daughter an extension of love, or a manifestation of the desire to control? Can artistic creation help us break free from the shackles of gender norms and find self-identity?

【时间轴 The When】

  • 01:12 从阿黛新专辑《妈妈我三十了》谈起,探讨30岁女性的生活状态

  • 06:50 阿黛谈创作初衷:表达30岁女性如何做人、面对性与爱

  • 12:26 大蝶《塞牙歌女》背后的故事:为独立进步女性发声

  • 19:00 音乐中的男性凝视:男性如何想象和塑造女性形象

  • 22:00 女性音乐人如何表达自己的视角,挑战传统性别刻板印象

  • 30:50 饶舌音乐:本是男性化的音乐形式,女性如何利用它表达自我

  • 47:30 海燕谈女性艺术家表达性体验和性器官的重要性

  • 51:30 阿黛和大蝶在创作中如何表现女性情感和性

  • 01:12 ADÀI's new album "Mom, I'm 30" and the life of 30-year-old women

  • 12:26 The story behind Dii Fu’s "Picky Girls": giving voice to independent and progressive women

  • 19:00 The male gaze in music: how men imagine and shape the female image

  • 22:00 How female musicians express their own perspectives and challenge traditional gender stereotypes

  • 30:50 Rap music: originally a masculine music form, how do women use it for self-expression

  • 47:30 Hedy on the importance of female artists expressing sexual experiences and organs

  • 51:30 How ADÀI and Dii Fu express female emotions and sexuality in their creative work

【拓展链接】 阿黛《妈妈我三十了》 大蝶《塞牙歌女》

【我们是谁 The Who】 《选修课 Universus》是一档分享和探讨泛文化话题的中文播客,脱胎于2013年创办的纽约文化沙龙。 我们力求引发对学科方法和视角的认知和思考,而不仅仅是知识的传递。我们在组织活动的过程中积累了一些经验和人脉,尝试打造成年人的博雅教育,并在播客中拓展这样的探索。我们希望审视和反抗无意识的价值规训与随波逐流。我们希望冷酷地剖析自己的偏见,热忱地拥抱多元视角。我们希望去工具化,真诚地感知、理解、创造自己的生活和复杂的世界。我们追随原初的好奇而非代餐式的猎奇。话题可以轻松,方法力求严肃。在《选修课》里,我们互相映照,唤醒失落的维度。

主播: 陈璐:比较文学硕士,跨文化的非虚构写作者,翻译,书影评论人,女性主义者,希望听到大家的故事。


  • 宋黛霆 ADÀI:活跃在纽约/北京的独立流行歌手、词曲作者、制作人和DJ,前腾讯音乐签约艺人。自2017年入行以来,阿黛的歌曲在华语音乐平台上累计多达6000万次播放,出现在院线电影、黄金档电视剧中,优酷综艺《这!就是原创》音乐榜单Top 6。自2021年以来,她开始活跃在纽约,以ADÀI的艺名与德、俄、荷、美、土等国的制作人合作电子舞曲(EDM),Spotify月均65k+播放。目前也在伯克利音乐学院NYC校区任教。此次她携带新专辑《妈妈我30了》,聊聊创作中的女性视角和反抗。
  • 大蝶 Dii Fu:北京人,现居布鲁克林,独立唱作人。她致力于为女性、少数群体发声,多将喜剧、中国传统元素融入作品中。她曾主导多个女性集体创作活动,将近百位女性的个人故事收录于创作中,并联合各界女性艺术家共同完成音乐制作、视觉表达及短片拍摄。她热衷在艺术领域跨界,涉猎短片导演、脱口秀、舞台表演、雕塑等。曾任老狼、Jony J等知名歌手北美演唱会制作人。
  • 海燕:(HEDY ZHANG),生于中国西安,现居美国纽约。毕业于纽约帕森斯设计学院,获得美术学士学位,辅修性别研究。她以行为艺术和多媒介创作为主,作品曾在纽约地铁、UNDERCURRENT画廊等展出,2023年被欧洲CUT ART画廊代理。她的作品曾被收录在哥伦比亚大学艺术史图录中,也在ARTSY、OPENSEA等平台上开放收藏,并接受VOYAGE LA、AMNY、EVERYART等多家媒体采访。作为《一万个艺术家的晚餐》的主编,她致力于探索艺术与社会、身份和文化、性别和语言的关系,为观众搭建交流平台,并书写中国先锋艺术家自己的艺术史。

选修课 Universus is a Chinese-language podcast created by the same people who founded the New York Chinese Cultural Salon (纽约文化沙龙)in 2013. The past decade of organizing events and talks put us in a position of creating a sort of liberal arts education experience for those who have left school. We strive to go beyond merely transmitting knowledge to reflecting on complex topics using cross-disciplinary perspectives. We strive to resist conformity, to dissect our own biases, and to embrace diverse schools of thought. Our goal is to help professionals resist becoming just a tool of production, and to understand the world around us in earnest. We let our genuine curiosity be our guide. With a light-hearted tone, we approach each topic seriously. We hope that “选修课 Universus” creates a space to explore lost dimensions.

Hosted by: Lu Chen: Master of Comparative Literature, cross-cultural non-fiction writer, translator, book and film critic, feminist, and someone who hopes to hear everyone's stories.


  • ADÀI: An independent pop singer, songwriter, producer, and DJ, active in New York and Beijing. Formerly signed with Tencent Music, her songs have garnered over 60 million plays on Chinese music platforms since she began her career in 2017. Her music has been featured in major films, prime-time TV dramas, and ranked in the Top 6 on Youku's music variety show "This! Is Original." Since 2021, she has been active in New York, collaborating on electronic dance music (EDM) with producers from Germany, Russia, the Netherlands, the USA, and Turkey under the stage name ADÀI, with over 65k monthly streams on Spotify. She is currently teaching at Berklee College of Music's NYC campus. ADÀI's latest album, "Mom, I'm 30," explores female perspectives and rebellion in her creative process.
  • Dii Fu: Beijing native currently residing in Brooklyn, independent singer-songwriter. She is dedicated to amplifying the voices of women and minority groups, often incorporating comedy and traditional Chinese elements into her work. She has led several women's collective creative projects, incorporating the personal stories of nearly a hundred women, and collaborating with female artists across various fields to produce music, visual art, and short films. Passionate about interdisciplinary art, she engages in short film directing, stand-up comedy, stage performance, and sculpture. She has also served as the North American concert producer for renowned singers such as Lao Lang and Jony J.
  • HEDY ZHANG: Born in Xi'an, China, and currently residing in New York City, USA, she graduated from Parsons School of Design with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and a minor in Gender Studies. Specializing in performance art and multimedia creations, her work has been exhibited in venues such as the New York City Subway and UNDERCURRENT Gallery. In 2023, she was represented by CUT ART Gallery in Europe. Her works have been included in Columbia University's art history catalogs and are available for collection on platforms such as ARTSY and OpenSea. She has been interviewed by various media outlets, including VOYAGE LA, AMNY, and EVERYART. As the editor-in-chief of "Dinner with Ten Thousand Artists," she is dedicated to exploring the relationships between art and society, identity and culture, gender and language, providing a platform for audience engagement and documenting the history of Chinese avant-garde artists.

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