005 纽约的房价到底为什么这么高?Why is NYC Housing so Expensive



政府是如何与开发商周旋的?为何纽约会有高楼大厦与老房子共存的城市面貌?保障房在纽约是如何开发的?政府对于开发项目有哪些限制和补贴? 高房价对社会结构和文化氛围的影响是怎样的?


New York City's housing prices have long been a focal point of public attention. Over time, the rise in housing prices has become not just an economic phenomenon, but a complex and profound social issue involving multiple factors. As a global financial center and cultural hub, New York City has attracted a large influx of people and business activities, leading to a continuous increase in housing demand. Beyond the macroeconomics, New York's unique planning policies and land development rules have also had a profound impact on housing prices. At the same time, rising housing prices have led to changes in the city's social structure, challenging local residents with rising housing costs and deteriorating living conditions, sparking widespread discussions about social equity and economic development? How does the government negotiate with developers? Why does New York have a cityscape where skyscrapers coexist with old buildings? How is affordable housing developed in New York? What restrictions and subsidies does the government have for development projects? What impact do high housing prices have on social structure and cultural atmosphere?

If you find this episode interesting, please check out our speaker Luo Yuxiang‘s new book 《创造大都会》!


  • 00:07:33 纽约房价数据及其成为社会和政治议题

  • 00:11:23 纽约没有总体规划,而是通过分区(Zoning)来管理城市开发

  • 00:18:02 90%的开发项目无需审批

  • 00:26:19 通过Hudson Yards项目分析纽约政府在推动开发中的重要作用

  • 00:34:44 经济适用房(Affordable Housing)

  • 00:42:55 开发商建设经济适用房的盈利模式及其对整体房价的影响

  • 00:07:33 New York housing price data and its emergence as a social and political issue

  • 00:11:23 New York has no overall plan, but manages urban development through zoning

  • 00:18:02 90% of development projects require no approval

  • 00:26:19 Analysis of the New York government's important role in promoting development through the Hudson Yards project

  • 00:34:44 Affordable Housing

  • 00:42:55 Developers' profit model for building affordable housing and its impact on overall housing prices

【我们是谁 The Who】 选修课 Universus 是一档分享和探讨泛文化话题的中文播客,脱胎于2013年创办的纽约文化沙龙。 我们力求引发对学科方法和视角的认知和思考,而不仅仅是知识的传递。我们在组织活动的过程中积累了一些经验和人脉,尝试打造成年人的博雅教育,并在播客中拓展这样的探索。我们希望审视和反抗无意识的价值规训与随波逐流。我们希望冷酷地剖析自己的偏见,热忱地拥抱多元视角。我们希望去工具化,真诚地感知、理解、创造自己的生活和复杂的世界。我们追随原初的好奇而非代餐式的猎奇。话题可以轻松,方法力求严肃。在《选修课》里,我们互相映照,唤醒失落的维度。

主播: 老赵:理论物理学博士,软件工程师,纽约文化沙龙组织者。

主讲: 罗雨翔:美国注册城市规划师,哈佛大学与伦敦政治经济学院建筑与经济双硕士。现居纽约,参与以及主持北美20余地区的地产开发、区域经济政策与公共领域投资项目。

选修课 Universus is a Chinese-language podcast created by the same people who founded the New York Chinese Cultural Salon (纽约文化沙龙)in 2013. The past decade of organizing events and talks put us in a position of creating a sort of liberal arts education experience for those who have left school. We strive to go beyond merely transmitting knowledge to reflecting on complex topics using cross-disciplinary perspectives. We strive to resist conformity, to dissect our own biases, and to embrace diverse schools of thought. Our goal is to help professionals resist becoming just a tool of production, and to understand the world around us in earnest. We let our genuine curiosity be our guide. With a light-hearted tone, we approach each topic seriously. We hope that “选修课 Universus” creates a space to explore lost dimensions.

Hosted by: Lao Zhao: PhD in Theoretical Physics, software engineer, and organizer of the New York Cultural Salon. Guest: Luo Yuxiang: U.S. Registered Urban Planner, holding dual master's degrees in Architecture and Economics from Harvard University and the London School of Economics. Currently residing in New York, he has participated in and led over 20 real estate development, regional economic policy, and public domain investment projects across North America.

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